Logiciel de navigation professionnelle pour camions
Mises à jour gratuites de carte / poi / radars à vie
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Mise à jour gratuite de la carte à vie
Dernières cartes préchargées: Europe, Royaume-Uni et Irlande
1. La navigation par satellite est installée avec la dernière carte. Il est suggéré de mettre à jour les cartes régulièrement.
2. Ohrex fournit 3 mois gratuits échangés et 2 ans de garantie.
3. Vous pouvez saisir des codes postaux à la rubrique "Adresse de recherche" pour définir facilement une destination.
4. Vous pouvez entrer la longueur, la hauteur et le poids de votre camion pour optimiser son acheminement.
5: Vous pouvez utiliser l’émetteur FM du système de navigation par satellite pour diffuser le son avec la radio FM de votre véhicule.
Vous voudrez peut-être en savoir plus, demandez s'il vous plaît sur ohrex Facebook ou écrivez-nous.
Marque: OHREX (marque britannique)
Système: Windows CE 6.0
Écran: écran tactile capacitif de 7 pouces, 800 * 480
Mémoire: Samsung 8 Go rom
Carte de soutien TF jusqu'à 32 Go
Multimédia: lecteur vidéo, lecteur audio, ebook
Bluetooth: non
AV IN: Non
Interface USB: USB 2.0, mini USB
Batterie: batterie au lithium 3000mAh (rechargeable)
Temps de charge: 2-3 heures
Prise de charge: prise 12V DC
Chargeur de voiture: 12-24V / 1.5A
Le forfait comprend
1x Sat Nav
1x ventouse
1x câble de chargement de données USB
1x chargeur USB de voiture
1x Manuel de l'utilisateur
7”screen provides clear large display to give quick information to driver without too much a risk at inattentive driving.
Je n'ai ce GPS que depuis plus d'une semaine. Je pense qu'il a d'excellentes fonctionnalités et après un certain temps d'utilisation, je pourrais mettre à jour la qualité de ce GPS.
Al principio no estaba seguro acerca de la unidad, es diferente de mis otras unidades de GPS. Pero después de usarlo por un tiempo, seguro que otros vencieron. Es una mejora por lo demás con respecto a los modelos anteriores de GPS. Recomendado.
I am older and not tech savvy. This devise is easy to use with clear instructions.
I have only had this for a couple days, but it is so much better than earlier GPS systems.
Superb performance, great graphics.
Everything about this is AWESOME.
Very easy to control for my old father. Nice product.
Ich habe dieses GPS erst seit über einer Woche. Ich finde es hat tolle Funktionen. Mag ich.
Le dimensioni dello schermo sono state molto utili per le persone come me che hanno bisogno di vedere con gli occhiali. Mi piace la funzionalità su di esso e l'aggiornamento gratuito delle mappe e del software.
I like the design and feel of it.
This is a great GPS. I highly recommend it.
All aspects are very good with this unit
De nombreuses fonctionnalités sont disponibles via l'écran tactile qui est grand et facilement lisible.
It has all the latest features and very easy to navigate. Screen is beautiful. Best GPS I have ever had.
I love my new gps. This is my third gps but I like it the most. It is very user friendly. The voice is clear but soft. Ohrex has come a long way and I think they improved each time.
Ein sehr gutes GPS
This is a big improvement from my older gps.
Overall happy with this gps. I have driven about 800 miles and no issues.
Der große Bildschirm bietet eine klare, große Anzeige, um dem Fahrer schnelle Informationen zu geben, ohne ein zu großes Risiko bei unaufmerksamem Fahren einzugehen.
I love my new gps. This is my third gps but I like ohrex the most.
I have only had this for a couple days, but it is so much better than earlier GPS systems.
Superb performance, great graphics.
Everything about this is AWESOME.
Spedizione veloce prezzo onesto
Je suis plus âgé et je ne suis pas féru de technologie. Cet appareil est facile à utiliser avec des instructions claires.
The unit is much nicer with a bigger screen, more features, and quicker responses. It fits perfectly on my dash. The included suction cup mount works on my dashboard.
Use esto para el trabajo todos los días. trabajar bien.
This GPS gets me wherever I need to go!
I have only had this GPS for more than a week. I think it has great features and after some time using this I could update how good this GPS works.
Awsome displays and easy to used. Great accuracy.
Il a toutes les dernières fonctionnalités et très facile à naviguer. L'écran est magnifique et il est très utile. Le meilleur GPS que j'ai jamais eu.
This works perfectly, my wife can now use the gps to find almost anything.
This is a great GPS. I highly recommend it.
Consiglio vivamente l'aggiornamento. Lo schermo è HD, di facile lettura e molto chiaro. Nessun problema nella configurazione o nell'utilizzo.
It is so easy to use and activate/setup. The touch screen feature is really nice. It was very accurate, it gives Live Traffic updates, the size is easy to see/read. I can't say how easy this GPS made our last trip. Its nice to have a separate unit, instead of trying to read maps on the phone. Anyways, I would highly recommend this GPS to anyone.
Compré este GPS para reemplazar uno mucho más antiguo que era bueno, pero no tenía funciones y era mucho más complicado de usar. Pues este gps es PERFECTO.
Awesome product that lives up to most expectations.
This was bought just prior to a trip to Canada. It did what I needed to to do. Great job.
Mon troisième GPS - ne considérerait rien d'autre.
Packing was nice and box was solid got it in a very timely fashion even though we were hit with a horrible snow storm. My last Ohrex was awesome but I used the heck out of it when I was a cop. I’m so glad to have a new replacement!! Thank you!! Awesome seller!!
So far, it is working well. It is a very straightforward, easy, and practical device to use, and I bought it because of that.
Es bietet ein klares, großes Display, um dem Fahrer schnelle Informationen zu geben, ohne ein zu großes Risiko bei unaufmerksamem Fahren einzugehen.
Best Map operation I have ever used. Very easy to use. Way better then any Iphone or map vehicle data apps I have ever used. Good display with nice features. No hassle getting going with quick touch set up.
¡Qué gran GPS! Gran trabajo, Ohrex.
Im a police officer and i needed to be able to see upcoming streets, curves, and my current location at a quick glance. And this provides just that. I had to play with the settings to get it exactly how i wanted it, but i would definitely recommend this gps!
È molto preciso e affidabile e ti consentirà anche di bloccare le strade su cui non vuoi essere instradato. Nel complesso, vale i soldi spesi. Sono nel settore delle consegne e lo uso quotidianamente programmando fino a venti fermate al mattino, quindi seguo semplicemente il percorso durante il giorno.
Perfekte Größe zum Betrachten, wenn es auf meiner Mittelkonsole montiert ist. Ich bin zufrieden.
I'm so glad I anticipate the worst oh, because I was convinced we would not have regular cell phone service on our road trip in Canada and not only did we not have regular service, but there was a period of 2 days where the entire network was down. We would have been lost literally without it.
Fonctionne bien. Je vais acheter le deuxième.
This works perfectly, I can now use the gps to find almost anything.
All aspects are very good with this unit
Mappe fantastiche e funzionalità di uscita.
Better maps and features
Dies ist das beste Navigationsgerät, das Sie sich wünschen können. Großartiger Bildschirm, selbst bei voller Sonneneinstrahlung. Wenn Sie versuchen, sich zwischen dieser und einer anderen Marke zu entscheiden, kann ich nur sagen, kaufen Sie diese.
This is the 4th gps we've had over the last 25 years and by far the best. My wife has to make frequent trips to Ft. Lauderdale and this baby just delivers her to the front door without any hesitation or mistakes. Great Product.
Esto funciona perfectamente, mi esposa ahora puede usar el gps para encontrar casi cualquier cosa.
Meilleures cartes et fonctionnalités
Good to read and hear. Best.
My friend brought one last month. He said the unit is great. I love it so much. Will continue to support.
El embalaje estaba bien y la caja era sólida. Lo obtuve de manera muy oportuna a pesar de que nos golpeó una horrible tormenta de nieve. ¡¡Gracias!! ¡Vendedor impresionante!!
Kürzlich bin ich gerade aus einem Bundesstaat gezogen und musste 12 Stunden von Kalifornien nach Texas fahren. Ich hatte Angst, da ich noch nie wirklich weit gefahren bin, aber dieses Gerät war ein Lebensretter.
Easy to use and it understands nearly 100% of all voice recognition. Easy to use and get fast routes!
we like our gps very much easy to hear and read thank you
Ottimo per i genitori più grandi! Facile da usare e aggiornare
Normalmente odio las pantallas táctiles, pero esta parece funcionar bastante bien y mejor que mi último GPS.
I got this GPS for my friend. He wanted a larger screen. Every since he got it he's been satisfied. He continues to thank me for his gift. I'm glad it's working for him and that he is happy with it. He is a very hard person to please
Tous les aspects sont très bons avec cet appareil
Das GPS ist für mich ein Schritt nach oben und es lohnt sich. Es ist größer. Der Touchscreen funktioniert gut und erleichtert die Anpassung.
This is my 4th GPS and the best of the bunch. They get better with each generation. Some folks love their phones for guidance, and I also use Google maps, but for ease of use, no need for cell service and a nice big screen this new gps is great. The maps are updated frequently and free.
This is by far the finest gps I’ve ever owned and I’ve had a lot of em. This is a great unit and if you plan on using a god everyday go with this one.
Dieses GPS hat einen schönen großen, scharfen und klaren Bildschirm, der gut navigiert, mit zusätzlichen zeitsparenden Funktionen, die ich von früheren GPS-Modellen, die ich besessen habe, nicht gewohnt war.
Sono molto soddisfatto del gps finora. La visualizzazione dello schermo è eccellente, inoltre il software (per gli aggiornamenti delle mappe e dei programmi) è facile da usare.
Esta es, con diferencia, la mejor unidad. El reconocimiento de voz funciona bien. La pantalla táctil es sensible y nítida, actualización de mapas gratuita.
Esta es, con diferencia, la mejor unidad. El reconocimiento de voz funciona bien. La pantalla táctil es sensible y nítida, actualización de mapas gratuita.
Is really amazing and beautiful this GPS. The app works great.Thank you!
Although we do no do a lot of traveling this comes in handy for the occasional hospital visits out of our area or finding back roads to certain small towns. I love the size as I am getting older. It will be great to use if we ever do get to take the longer trips we so desire to make.Would recommend.
Ho sostituito il mio vecchio gps da quando la batteria era esaurita e il cavo del traffico doveva essere sostituito. Decisi che era ora di un nuovo GPS. Questo sembrava essere vicino allo stesso con alcune funzionalità extra. Il nuovo gps ha uno schermo di buone dimensioni. Ottimo GPS ad un buon prezzo.
Purchased this as a replacement for an older model, after the battery failed. Screen size is perfect for driving. Allowing for more focus rather than trying to see on a tiny screen.
Con la activación por voz es muy fácil de usar. Me encanta el tamaño de la pantalla. Encajaba en el mismo soporte de tablero que tenía para mi anterior. Esto hace más por ti que el teléfono. ¡Me encanta!
I like this ohrex gps because like my other gps it is a basic GPS and easy to figure out and operate. Also you don't have to break the bank to own one.
Das war eine angenehme Überraschung, als ich das zum ersten Mal benutzte, ich werde mich nie wieder verlaufen. Übersichtlich und leicht verständlich und die Programmierung war sehr benutzerfreundlich. Tolles Geschenk für einen Senioren wegen der einfachen Bedienung.
Recommande fortement la mise à niveau. L'écran est HD, facile à lire et très clair. Aucun problème d'installation ou d'utilisation.
The unit is large, very clear, fast, and accurate. Searches for places are done very quickly and it is ready to navigate. Using the GPS in conjunction with a smart phone adds another dimension of trip planning. If you are in the market for a top of the line GPS unit for your vehicle I would not hesitate to recommend the Ohrex brand.
Out of the box, fires up and ready to use. Dont have to have a degree in IT to use it. Very accurate location sensing. I use this because it utilizes satellite not cell tower signal. Ever try to look at a map and tiny directions on a cell while driving hands free with phone mounted on dash while it is raining in traffic going 70mph? Or similar driving conditions? Ever experience loss of cell tower signal in the middle of nowhere? Problem completely 100% solved with this product. Super happy. Im very impressed with whole thing.
So much easier to use interface, and grreat screen. A nice touch and very convenient to use as well.
Karten und Anleitung sind genau.
Weitaus besser als mein eingebautes M-B-Navigationsgerät, der perfekte Reisebegleiter für das Navigationsgerät. Kann mir ehrlich gesagt nichts negatives vorstellen. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist intuitiv und nicht zu überladen. Die Grafiken - Karten, Musikdaten usw. - sind großartig. Kostenlose Kartenupdates schaden auch nicht. Perfekt.
Je l'ai acheté pour mon mari car il doit se déplacer pour son travail. Nous l'emportons également avec nous lorsque nous sortons de la ville. Meilleur.
Tendo ad avere MOLTA ansia quando devo guidare in posti che non conosco, perché per qualche motivo il pensiero di fare una svolta sbagliata e di dover tornare sulla strada in cui mi trovavo è troppo per il mio cervello da gestire con calma?
So far, so good. I have been using this gps daily for the last 2 or 3 weeks. I like it. The size of the screen is more than adequate. Im not sorry I purchased this model. It fits my lifestyle just fine.
I've always purchased ohrex GPS devices, and have not been disappointed. And with free map updates, it is well worth it!
Usé esto en nuestro viaje de 2 meses al oeste. Gran gps.
Aconsejaremos a nuestros amigos que lo compren.
My husband is a huge gps fan. We thought it was very much worth the price.
Utilisez-le pour le travail de tous les jours. Bien travailler.
Meine Mutter wünschte sich zu Weihnachten ein neues GPS. Wir haben es bestellt und meine Schwester hat es ursprünglich für meine Mutter eingerichtet, sie liebt es.
The touch screen is accurate and speed of device is great. It's like having an HD TV in my car.
Se stai cercando un GPS per il tuo veicolo ti consiglio vivamente questo prodotto.
Come nota a margine, sono un autista di consegne di cibo e trovo questa unità GPS molto precisa, facile da inserire nelle informazioni e facile da leggere giorno e notte.
Comprerei sicuramente di nuovo.
It fits perfectly on my dash. The included suction cup mount works on my dashboard. Happy with it.
Awesome product that lives up to most expectations.
It works brilliantly. Many people ask me why I buy gps when I have several iPhones and iPads i can use. The truth is two-fold; if the phone rings, you can no longer see or hear navigation with your phone or ipad.
El mejor hasta ahora. Este tiene una hermosa pantalla con gráficos brillantes y las funciones que ofrece son extremadamente útiles. Hay algunas funciones que no uso regularmente, pero las que uso funcionan perfectamente. Se puede colocar en el tablero para que quede bajo y al frente. No bloquea mi vista al mismo tiempo que facilita la visualización rápida, manteniendo la vista en la carretera.
Estoy muy contento con este.
Primero, la pantalla es significativamente más grande y más fácil de leer.
La interfaz de voz responde muy bien, aunque no siempre me entiende cuando digo el nombre de un lugar. En ese caso, la búsqueda es fácil de usar. Es una buena característica.
Recomiendo encarecidamente esto.
I like that the gps is slim and light for the size of it's display, which is very clear and bright in use.
Ohrex really did their homework and applied the results. Its continuing development has resulted in a fantastic driving tooI. I highly recommend the unit.
The maps are easy to follow and the directions are as usual great.... You can choose from multiple routes.
It is not bulky at all. Very nice and crisp.
The 3D images do help you navigate and know where you are at.
If you want a very nice, reliable and self-contained unit this is a great choice.
Débarrassons-nous de cela maintenant. Est-ce que j'en achèterais un autre ? La réponse est que je l'ai déjà fait pour offrir en cadeau.
Bien que le GPS ne soit pas parfait, mes trois mois d'utilisation m'ont démontré ses nombreux avantages.
Mehrere verschiedene GPS verwendet. Dieser hat einen sehr sauberen Look. Schlank und nicht schwer. Die Gerätegrafik ist sehr übersichtlich. Die Schriftgröße ist etwas größer als die älteren, was für diesen Senior sehr geschätzt wird. Ich mag es wirklich.
HARDWARE: The screen beautiful! Great resolution and bright. Perfect size for me.
The screen seems to be made of glass, and hopefully scratch resistant as glass should be, but I’m not sure.
The screen is responsive to touch and there is little lag navigating through the menus, as it should be for a device at this price point. Speaker is loud and clear, even with my poor hearing.
SOFTWARE: Very effective and easy to use.
The touch screen is accurate and speed of device is great. It's like having an HD TV in my truck.
Ich habe dieses Gerät gekauft, weil ich ein älteres Auto ohne Navigation oder Android Auto-Funktion habe. Ich stellte fest, dass beim Versuch, mein Telefon während der Fahrt als GPS zu verwenden, insbesondere in ländlichen Gebieten, das Mobilfunksignal oft unterbrochen wurde, sodass ich feststeckte, wie ich mein Ziel finden sollte. Dieses Gerät löst dieses Problem, da es von Satelliten aus funktioniert. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem GPS. Es tut alles, was ich will - hilft mir, Rastplätze, Tankstellen, Restaurants usw. zu finden. Das funktioniert gut. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Kauf.
Usalo per il lavoro ogni giorno. L'integrazione di voce e telefono funziona bene.
Love this navigator! This uses real GPS which is a very precise GPS. Screen is high resolution, and the voice instructions are wonderful and clear. Good job Ohrex!
Bought this for my Brother-in-law, he was always anxious since his trip to our house was filled with unpredictable routes requiring last minute twists & turns getting here. (He lives on Long Island, We are in NJ and Manhattan is in between resulting in all sorts of choices depending on the traffic)
This gps:
- is easy to use
- has a screen that he can easily see
- warns him well in advance of turns,
- tells him when to changes lanes in preparation of turns
- displays a visual for him
- and generally walks him through the route in such a way that he wasn't at all anxious.
Well worth it!!!!
Mon travail dépend de la recherche d'adresse. Je travaille dans une zone rurale où les numéros de maison ne sont souvent pas affichés. Ce gps me permet de diriger ce que je veux à la voix. C'est très précis honnêtement je ne sais pas comment j'ai vécu sans ça toutes ces années. Je peux en dire assez de bien, je suggère fortement de l'acheter.
Funziona alla grande. Ho una Mini Cooper. Sono felice di averla. Risolve molti problemi.
Mein Mann ist ein großer GPS-Fan. Er sagt, es ist großartig. Es kann nicht jedes Geschäft finden, aber es ist ziemlich anständig. Wir fanden, dass es den Preis sehr wert war.
I purchased this GPS to replace a much older GPS. Well this new gps is PERFECT. It is so easy to use and activate/setup. The touch screen feature is really nice. It was very accurate, it gives Live Traffic updates, the size is easy to see/read. This GPS made our last trip. Its nice to have a separate unit, instead of trying to read maps on the phone. The photo visual of the exits is really nice too. You see exactly where you need to be going. Anyways, I would highly recommend this GPS to anyone.
I have only had the unit for a very short period of time and have only used it for short local trips no more than 15 or 20 miles away so can't provide a very detailed review but what I have used I really like. Big display is fantastic. Very clear and great resolution. Fits perfectly to my existing mount. Voice is clear and easily understood. Simple to setup and all settings well defined and easy to understand. We are making a several hundred mile trip this Fall and will give it a workout. I will revise my responses after that. So far very happy.
Si está buscando un GPS para su vehículo, le recomiendo este producto. Como nota al margen, soy un conductor de entrega de alimentos y encuentro que esta unidad de GPS es muy precisa, fácil de ingresar información y fácil de leer de día o de noche. Recomiendo encarecidamente el gps sobre las unidades más pequeñas y definitivamente compraría nuevamente.
Bien hecho y de alta calidad. El precio parece excelente para todas las características y la calidad.
I have used Ohrex GPS devices for at least 5 years. I know some people use smart phones and dispense with the stand-alone GPS unit. I prefer having a dedicated unit on my dash, which I put on weighted base so I can easily move it out of the sun when parked.
It was easy to install, the picture is good. The touch screen works well and make it easy to customize. For example, the box that shows the date, you just touch it and can choose.
Mon ancien GPS ne gardait pas sa charge, j'ai donc acheté ce nouveau et c'est une mise à niveau incroyable et je suis très heureux. La voix est agréable et fournit des instructions étape par étape et le grand écran avec carte 3D est très utile. Vaut chaque centime que j'ai dépensé.
Meilleur gps, je recommande celui-ci, il m'aide beaucoup.
This my 3rd gps and the best one yet, mostly just because technology changes as time passes. The display is very clear and I’m glad I opted for the larger screen. It fits great in the side window nook on our Prius, so it’s out of the way, but still very accessible. We have navigation in the Prius, but it’s outdated and too expensive to update. It gets us where we want to go, etc., so it’s a perfect companion.
Ich hatte ein älteres GPS, was in Ordnung war. Aber das ist viel schöner mit einem größeren Bildschirm, mehr Funktionen und schnelleren Antworten. Es passt perfekt auf mein Armaturenbrett. Die mitgelieferte Saugnapfhalterung funktioniert auf meinem Armaturenbrett. Glücklicherweise hat mein Auto einen flachen, glatten Abschnitt, wo es funktioniert. Einige Autos benötigen jedoch möglicherweise das Scheibenpad, das nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist. Sie können eine Reihe von ihnen auf Amazon finden. Glücklich damit.
This is my fourth gps and I love all its fgeatures. It is versatile and very easy to use. Also, the image is surprisingly clear. I have no reason not to trust Ohrex navigation. This is definitely a winner.
Siamo appena tornati da una vacanza in auto di 3.500 miglia, abbiamo utilizzato l'Ohrex per l'intero viaggio per indicazioni e aiuto per trovare punti di ristoro e distributori di benzina. Mia moglie ne è felice. Ha funzionato benissimo per tutto il viaggio, anche in Ontario, Canada. Non abbiamo mai avuto problemi con questo gps. Ha anche aiutato a trovare percorsi alternativi quando c'era traffico intenso o backup di costruzione. Molto impressionato.
L'unità si avvia molto velocemente e riceve rapidamente il segnale GPS.
Per chiarire la confusione sulla funzione Traffico. Viene fornito con Traffic installato internamente. Non ha bisogno del cavo di alimentazione Traffic esterno né di essere collegato allo smartphone per funzionare. Viene fornito con un cavo di alimentazione standard.
Spero che sia durevole e affidabile!
I love my new gps navi. This is my third unit but I like it the most. It is very user friendly. The voice is clear but soft. It tells you how far to go before next turn. It not only tells you the street name but also tells you to turn at the next light. It also tells you what to do after the turn. Ohrex has come a long way and I think they improved each time.
Este es el mejor navegador que podrías pedir.
Todavía no me he metido en todas las opciones y características especiales que tiene, pero suenan muy bien.
Si está tratando de decidir entre esta y otra marca, solo puedo decirle que compre esta.
For starters I do have a smart phone and a car with Android Auto. The problem is I do not have unlimited data so that option does not work for me. I have read the GPS products and thought I would give it a shot and I really like it! I mainly wanted this for the purpose of getting me from point a to point b without a lot of hassle. I have only used it once since purchasing and it did everything I had hoped it would do. I wanted to try this out with a destination I already knew to see how it would work so I set directions for a familiar location. Heading to the destination it gave me the most common GPS route which is what I expected. But in order to test it I took a slightly different route and when I went off course it automatically updated the directions to get me to my destination. Heading back home I kept going off course to see if it would continuously update directions correctly, and it did. I am really happy with this product and now feel very confident using it. I would definitely recommend the model and this seller.
Aunque solo lo tengo desde hace una semana, funciona de maravilla. Me encanta el hecho de que muestra exactamente en qué carril entrar. Tengo un Chevrolet Equinox, la navegación es horrible. Tenía Google Maps, Map Quest y Apple Maps, todos perdidos de recepción en diferentes puntos de la ruta. Si bien no manejo mucho largas distancias (1 hora y algunos cambios al trabajo y de regreso todos los días), las carreteras están en construcción y el tráfico es horrible. Hoy en día, o te quedas con el programa o te quedas atrás. Recomiendo encarecidamente esta unidad.
Per circa due anni ho usato Google Maps invece sul mio telefono. Tuttavia, mi accampo molto e il mio telefono era spesso fuori dalla portata del servizio cellulare sulle strade secondarie.
Ho preso questo e sono molto contento:
- Il display ha un bell'aspetto.
È meglio di come doveva iniziare il mio sistema di infotainment.
- Sulla mia Jeep, non ostruisce il parabrezza in un modo che mi fa sentire come se non potessi vedere traffico importante.
Ad ogni modo, il motivo principale per ottenerlo è stato il GPS: i film dell'orrore iniziano con le persone che si perdono su strade nascoste nei boschi.
Just like everything else, electronics are getting more and more advanced and upgraded. This one takes some time understanding all the features. As far as getting you from point A to point B I’ve found no problem, it does a great job of that.
So weit, ist es gut. Mein älteres GPS ist eine 5-Zoll-Version. Diese 7-Zoll-Version ist für mich während der Fahrt besser zu sehen/lesen. Ich gewöhne mich immer noch an den Unterschied zwischen meinem alten und diesem neuen. Ich speichere einfach meine Suche und gehe dann das nächste Mal zu früheren Zielen und es scheint zu funktionieren. Bevorstehende Verkehrsinformationen werden sehr geschätzt, da ich oft eine 100-Meilen-Strecke der Autobahn fahre, an der es nicht viele Stellen gibt, an denen ich meine Route umfahren/abweichen kann. Ich weiß nicht, wie gut das GPS mit meinem iPhone funktioniert, wenn ich telefonieren muss, da ich lieber die Bluetooth-Verbindung und das Fahrzeug meines Fahrzeugs zum Telefonieren verwenden würde. Ich vermute, dass das Audio und die Steuerung mit dem Audio des Autos im Vergleich zu den Steuerungen dieses GPS besser sein werden, aber ich hatte noch nicht das Bedürfnis, während der Fahrt zu sprechen.
Ich mag den größeren Bildschirm als mein älteres 5"; die Reaktion scheint schneller zu sein; ich kann es aktualisieren.
Le meilleur encore. Celui-ci a un bel écran avec des graphismes lumineux et les fonctionnalités qu'il propose sont extrêmement utiles. Il vous mènera là où vous voulez aller.
It is very accurate. The large screen is placed next to the backup mirror to keep my eyes on the road. This gps is very helpful.
I like the light for the size of it's display, which is very clear and bright in use. The screen colors are vibrant and sharp. I highly recommend.
È una grande unità.
Larger screen is great for tired old eyes, and if take care positioning it, your view will not be obscured.
a good purchase.
Dieses Display ist etwa 2 Zoll größer als mein letztes und sie haben einen Großteil des zusätzlichen Platzes verwendet, um die Schriftgröße zu erhöhen, was für meine alternden Augen GROSSARTIG ist. Straßennamen, Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen usw. sind alle erheblich größer. Der Touchscreen ist reaktionsschnell und die Menüs scheinen gut angelegt zu sein.
Ich war erfreut zu sehen, dass das neue Gerät mit meiner alten Armaturenbretthalterung kompatibel ist. Ich musste zwar ein neues Gehäuse kaufen, aber das ist angesichts der gestiegenen Displaygröße unvermeidlich;
Insgesamt bin ich zufrieden, dass ich einen guten Kauf getätigt habe und werde ihn in den kommenden Feiertagen viel umfassender trainieren.
It is very easy to use and I really like the large size. It is easy to see even in bright sunlight, way better than any of my past models.
I would recommend this GPS for anyone who wants to get from here to there with ease. It works great!!
L'interface est intuitive et les directions sont extrêmement précises. Nous n'avons pas eu un seul cas d'erreur d'orientation. Le satellite GPS est localisé rapidement. C'est de loin le meilleur GPS que nous ayons jamais eu. Très très content.
This one is awesome, lifetime updates, is light and handy. We only need it to drive, so it is easy to carry (also purchased a case for it) and use.
I am very thankful and my device is up to date now! Love the lifetime free updates!
So far I am a happy driver!
It totally can help you navigate and know where you are at.
If you want a very nice, reliable and self-contained unit this is a great choice.
Compré esto como regalo de Navidad para mis padres mayores.
Quería un dispositivo que fuera grande y fácil de leer, y lo suficientemente fácil como para que pudieran navegar constantemente por los menús para ingresar direcciones y llegar a sus destinos de manera segura.
Han dado críticas muy favorables para el dispositivo.
Le daría 10 estrellas si pudiera, por la tranquilidad de ayudar a mis padres mayores con sus viajes de jubilación.
Abbiamo comprato un nuovo GPS e siamo contenti di averlo fatto. Questo valeva i soldi. Ha molte più funzionalità e capacità. Siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti della precisione e della funzionalità del touch screen. Ci piace la possibilità di visualizzare i servizi alle prossime uscite.
Compact looking, the display looks fantastic, the serious drivers will enjoy this. This is a great affordable option I would highly recommend. Safe driving!
The best one yet. This one has a beautiful screen with bright graphics and the features it offers are extremely useful. Can be positioned on the dash so it is low and up front. Does not block my view while keeping it easy to view quickly, keeping eyes on the road.
Have just come back from holiday in North Yorkshire and had no problems with Sat Nav, the 7 inch screen is brilliant, have had lots of help from Ohrex team.
Fantastic truck sat nav easy to use and some very helpful features also a fantastic support team on Facebook if you do need help
I purchased this item as a "backup" for a £200 Garmin, with which I have had two major failings when in "mid-route". Not Good !!
I have found the unit itself to be very well made as is the windscreen holding device.
The unit is very easy to set up and the postcode destination is easy to use and so far has been very accurate. The spoken directions are also very good and it re-routs itself very quickly if one takes a wrong turn. The spoken speed limit warnings are actually better than the Garmin, which is a bonus. I have found customer services to be excellent on the two occasions I have contacted them. In fact the response time has been on a par with any company I have dealt with, a BIG bonus !! Sat location is as good as Garmin and so is just about everything else that these devices are supposed to do. In fact I now prefer this device to the Garmin which will now become the back up. If there is a problem with anything then at this point in time I am certainly not aware of it. I would Certainly recommend this product to anyone based on my experience. Fantastic value for money.
Nachdem die Ausrüstung angekommen ist, werden wir sie zuerst einrichten. Das ist relativ einfach. Schnelles Wechseln der Geschwindigkeitsinformationen (z. B. beim Eingeben eines Standorts). Persönlich die
Fantastic product, quick delivery, well packaged. Great satnav
Este es el segundo GPS Sat Nav de Ohrex que tengo. El primero fue tan bueno en mi coche todos los días que tuve que conseguir un segundo. Utilizo el nuevo principalmente para reemplazar la unidad incorporada en mi Mercedes y ha sido impecable. Me resulta muy fácil de configurar y el hecho de que tiene configuraciones para varios vehículos es brillante, ya que significa que podré usarlo en nuestra gran autocaravana cuando esté de vacaciones. Tiene configuraciones para longitud, ancho, altura y peso y también para tirar de un remolque o no. La adquisición por satélite es muy rápida y parece ser muy precisa.
Especialmente me gusta la asistencia en el carril, que es muy útil cuando se negocian cruces complicados y caminos sin salida.
La pantalla de 7 "es muy clara y la pantalla es muy fácil de ver para comprender el camino que hay por delante, no es necesario mirarlo durante segundos para comprender lo que está sucediendo. Muestra claramente lo que está sucediendo ahora y también indica cuándo se requerirá la próxima acción de navegación.
When I first received the SAT NAV I had a few teething troubles. It didn't seem to recognize some of the roundabouts in my home town. I got in touch with the sellers and it was sorted with an update.
Since the update, it is working very well and now showing the roundabouts.
I am very happy with my purchase so far. I love the size of the screen and how responsive it is.
I have paired my phone to Bluetooth easy enough, but not made or received calls with it so cant comment on that yet.
The instruction manual was very clear to me. I had no problems setting it up .
All in all I think this is very good for the price.
it is very easy to use and the maps are very clear. also the information on the maps is very helpful especially around areas not known. I choose this sat nav to help when towing our caravan.
Il prodotto è di ottima qualità. Mi ha facilmente portato a destinazione. Ti avvisa in tempo se ci sono autovelox.Tutto perfetto funziona che e' una meraviglia con mappe aggiornate e dispositivo parasole una meraviglia . Grazie di tutto.
Have only run the GPS to check its function and all seems really good. I must remark on the brilliant service I received from Barry Chan of the OHREX support team. I wanted to check that the maps were all up to date before setting off on a European odessy tour and Barry really assisted in checking it out for me.
I will add to this review regarding the operation of the GPS on my trip.
Fantastic truck sat nav easy to use and some very helpful features also a fantastic support team on Facebook if you do need help
I used ohrex sat nav for days in my truck. It works perfect. Fast locating , sensitive touching , fast routing auto-change, show right speed limit , avoid lower bridges, speak street names, all are great. The payment is absolutely worth. ohrex service man said the nav is preloaded with latest map. I will come back in Sep to update map. Thanks ohrex.
When I got it.It's already set with UK standard unit and languages.Very professional service.Post code searching is nice and user-friendly design.
Highly Recommend
Displays excellent driving routes. I've been using it to get acquainted with it: and operating the "OHREX" very easy to learn. I've stored 10 different destinations, and it took me there---------no problem and I'm very with the "OHREX"