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Klebstoff-Dashboard-Disk für die On-Dash-Montage
Kompatibel mit allen GPS-Navigationsmodellen der Marke
1 Stück Klebescheibe
Item was a good value for the money
Lässt sich leicht anbringen und hält gut.
Works as intended
Very sturdy
Tenir un GPS.
The item works perfectly. Most dashboards are textured, so the adhesive may not stick well if you have a a large navigation or phone to "suction" attach.
I used my favorite super glue and it works perfectly with my naviation
Facile applicazione. Tutto è come descritto. Uno usato e ne ho uno di scorta.
Works as intended
Perfect for my gps.
Planeado para pegarse en el tablero del automóvil y montar el GPS, excelente producto.
Plus jamais de problème avec votre GPS qui lâche prise et tombe sur vos genoux ! Avertissement : vous feriez mieux d'aimer où vous le placez, car il ne se détache pas.
These are great, the only ones I order. I'm a long haul driver, so I have a few more items I need within reach, I have noticed, it's important you put the suction cup or whatever your sticking directly in the center of the pad!! Otherwise, don't complain that it started to peel! Quality product.
Ich habe nur einen benutzt, aber bisher hat er einwandfrei funktioniert. Sehr gute Haftung, aber die Sommerhitze und Feuchtigkeit in Süd-Louisiana werden sie sicherlich auf die Probe stellen, die Oberflächenvorbereitung ist der Schlüssel. Die GPS-Halterung hält gut an der Oberfläche, als ob ich jetzt sehr zufrieden bin.
Sie halten perfekt auf den Pads und die Pads halten auf dem Laminat.
Li ho ordinati l'anno scorso e hanno funzionato benissimo! Mettine uno nell'auto di mia figlia ed è ancora lì che regge bene, ne metti uno nel mio vecchio camion da lavoro e tiene perfettamente.
I have only used 1 of them so far and once the sticky portion touches what ever its going on its definitely stuck it place and the suction cup side is great my gps suction has not gone anywhere at all
Just clean the surface well before putting it on. I put this on my windshield and they worked good for the life of the windshield. They lasted through the hot SC summers. No issues at all.
Hasta ahora ha estado aguantando muy bien. Tengo uno en el auto de mi esposa y otro en mi camioneta. Hasta ahora, el de mi camión ha resistido todas las carreteras, todoterrenos y todo lo demás contra lo que lo he puesto. En general, diría que tiene un gran agarre.
My gps suction cup would not stay on my flat Jeep windshield. I put one of these on my windshield and attached the suction cup, and haven’t had my gps unit fall off yet, despite extreme temperature changes and driving off road on rough surfaces. And yes, it is mounted in a corner and doesn’t obstruct my view.
J'ai calfeutré cela à mon tableau de bord irrégulier pour pouvoir facilement atteindre mon GPS dans mon camping-car. Je n'ai pas pu utiliser le support adhésif car mon tableau de bord n'est pas plat, mais le calfeutrage que j'ai utilisé a bien fonctionné. Si je devais refaire cela, j'utiliserais du ruban d'expédition transparent sur ma zone de tableau de bord, puis calfeutrez-le sur le ruban d'expédition. Ensuite, lorsque le calfeutrage durcit, je peux l'enlever et le nettoyer et le rendre beaucoup plus beau et le réinstaller.
Der Artikel funktioniert einwandfrei. Die meisten Armaturenbretter sind strukturiert, sodass der Klebstoff möglicherweise nicht gut haftet, wenn Sie eine große Navigation zum „Ansaugen“ anbringen.
Ich habe meinen Lieblings-Sekundenkleber verwendet und er funktioniert perfekt mit meiner Navigation.
It was really bigger than what I needed but it's good in case I upgrade my GPS in the future. I followed the instructions and cleaned the dash well first. Then, I used the alcohol wipes before applying the disc with the double sided tape. I let it set for a full day before using. Very easy to install and use. I use a few drops of water on the suction cup before I apply it. I've been on some really bumpy roads in my freightliner and the gps hasn't fallen off. It's a 7 inch gps.
Questo aderisce magnificamente al cruscotto ed è passato più di un mese da quando l'ho installato e non una volta il mio supporto gps si è staccato. Non posso parlare di come pulirlo venga via lungo la strada, ma quando lo vendo, lo lascio lì. È utile e qualcosa che il prossimo acquirente vorrà comunque avere. Altamente raccomandato. Mi dà più flessibilità durante il montaggio.
Using this in the dash in my Kenworth. So far so good.
Votre produit adhère même par forte chaleur et mon support gps reste désormais en place. Merci beaucoup pour un excellent produit.
Espere 3 días para lograr la máxima adherencia y luego monte su accesorio y maravíllese de que permanece en su lugar por mucho tiempo.
Altamente recomendado.
PD. Si lo retira de una superficie cubierta, como el cuero sobre el tablero de un automóvil, coloque los dedos de una mano firmemente alrededor del disco mientras lo despega con la otra mano. Todavía no he dañado nada quitándolos, pero definitivamente prefieren no quitarlos, así que recomiendo hacerlo con cuidado.
There was no really good place to mount my GPS unit so I bought this and it works fine. The adhesive sticks well on the spot on my dash I decided to use and after leaving it with a 10lb dumbbell to weight it down (more than necessary but it was perfect for this usage) it's on very securely. The surface is flat and the suction cup of my GPS sits.
So far so good I followed instructions (cleaned area, applied disk, added weight (jar of pennies), waited 24hrs, attached my phone mount. Its installed in my freightliner and has been great so far. It's been in 100+ outside temps and still holding strong.
They work very well I ike it will be buying more